Enterprise Health Information Management and Data Governance

Merida L. Johns, PhD, RHIA

e-book available

Enterprise Health Information Management and Data Governance provides the fundamentals, principles, and practices for managing the data asset.

Data growth rates are increasing at a phenomenal pace for most businesses. Enterprise Health Information Management and Data Governance tackles how healthcare organizations can manage their data in this era of dramatic data explosion and growing deployment of information technologies.

Healthcare organizations must understand that their sustainability and future viability relies on the quality of their data and how they manage this resource on an enterprise-wide basis. This text provides a framework and logical structure to help students understand the components of health information management in a digital era and to provide them with opportunities to develop the necessary skills for performing functions associated with these components.

Key Features
•  Provides an outline of enterprise-wide information management (EIM) for healthcare
•  Each chapter incorporates a case study, providing a real-world perspective to student learning and exploring the concepts and interrelationships of EIM and data governance
•  Students are invited to be a part of the case study through a set of activities at the end of each chapter
•  Advanced concepts are provided at the end of each chapter for in-depth analysis and study
•  Aligns with AHIMA core competencies


About the Author
Merida L. Johns, PhD, RHIA,
has more than 40 years of health information management experience on national and international levels and is a noted author and presenter in the field. She currently heads up The Monarch Center for Women’s Leadership Development.

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